See the way you were meant to see with precise vision!
General office line:
To schedule a FREE LASIK consult:

Am I suitable?
Potential candidates are 18 years of age, have stable vision for 12 months or longer, have healthy eyes, and have realistic expectations.
Can I drive after the surgery?
You are not able to drive the day of your procedure. We encourage you to bring a friend or a family member, and they'll be able to watch your procedure!
When can I wear makeup?
The day of your procedure you should be barefaced, no makeup and no perfume. We don't want you wearing eye makeup for one week after.
Want to find out if your a good candidate?
We offer a Free LASIK consult to see if you're a good candidate for the procedure. That day you will meet with either Dr. Brian Stahl or Dr. James Knowles. There is no obligation or pressure to schedule. Your exam will be good for six months and you can schedule anytime within that time period.
Will it hurt?
No, the actual procedure does not hurt. Your eyes will be numbed with eye drops prior to the procedure and you will be given a mild sedative to relax you. Some patients do experience mild discomfort during the first 12-24 hours, but this is typically just a minor annoyance, usually described as a "dirty contact lens" sensation. Our state-of-the-art, modern LASIK surgery center is warm, comfortable and patient friendly. We encourage you to bring a friend or a family member - you'll need a ride home, and they'll be able to watch your procedure!
When can I get back to work?
You can return to most of your usual activities, like working, driving, and exercising 1 day after surgery. You should hold off on underwater swimming for three weeks after your procedure.
How long does it take?
You will be at our office for two hours. During this time you will check in with one of the LASIK Coordinators and then you will meet your technician for the day. Your techincian will get you all prepared for your procedure and make sure all questions are answered. The procedure itself is only about 15-20 minutes.